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Friday July 26, 2024 ~ Happy Friday everybody! Remember to spend time around the people who love you the most. Spending time around people who belittle you, control you ect... can cause stress which leads to imbalanced hormones which leads to hair loss. So choose your inner circle of people wisely. 

❤ ~ Your friend Margarite, Cosmetologist & Hair Loss Specialist

P.S. Hair Loss coaching to give you the best strategy for hair growth based on your specific situation coming soon! 

Dry Hair Remedies And Treatments You Can Do
At Home That Work!

Dry Hair Causes

Before giving you a few good dry hair remedies, I wanted to share some reasons and causes of why and how you can get dry hair in the first place.

Weather Conditions Could Cause Dry Hair Damage

There are many different reasons you can have dry hair, including weather conditions. The weather conditions that can produce dry hair may be due to living in a dry & hot desert climate.  

Living in the dessert can make your hair dry and living next to a dessert can make your hair a little less dry than living inside of one but it is still a possibility. 

Environmental Reasons Could Cause Dry Hair Damage

Another environmental reason you can have very dry hair may be because you may be spending alot more time in a windy, sunny town such as the beach.

Spending time at the beach is delightful but your hair will start to see the effects of the beach's sun, wind and salty-hair-drying-ocean-water over time. 

Another hair drying cause is swimming in chlorinated water. On a side note this type of water can also turn your hair green too, especially if you just got your hair highlighted! So it's best to always wear a swimming cap during this swimming time, if you love your hair. 

Styling Hair Products Can Cause Dry Hair Damage

Another contribution to having dry hair is due to your hair care routine. Dry hair can be caused by using hot tools on your hair daily such as hot rollers, curling irons, blow dryers, and flat irons. 

Your hair can also get super dry from doing chemically treated hair routines such as from:

  • coloring
  • perm
  • highlighting 
  • bleaching

Dry hair is also caused from overly washing your hair more than necessary because shampoo strips the hair of dirt and oil and doing this too much per week could cause dryness in your hair. 

Using styling products that contain alcohol can also cause your hair to become dry over time with daily use.  

Here Are The Top 10 Hair Mask Treatments For Dry Hair!

#10 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


4 tablespoons of coconut oil

4 tablespoons of honey 


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual.  

Ingredient Benefits:

Coconut oil helps fight against dry hair, helps mend split ends, gets rid of dandruff, helps strengthen hair follicles to improve hair growth to give you healthy, strong and shiny hair.

Honey helps to stop hair fall, prevents itchy scalp and is a natural hair lightener if that is something you are looking for over time.

Honey is also a strong humectant which helps to keep your hair moisturized completely. 

#9 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 tablespoons of honey

2 tablespoons of olive oil


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 

Ingredient Benefits:

Honey helps soften and moisturize hair follicles.

Olive oil helps with hair growth and is rich in vitamins A and E for faster hair growth.

Olive oil also helps keep hair super shiny and helps seal in moisture, so this honey & olive oil combination is gold for dry hair problems.

#8 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 tablespoons of jojoba oil

7 to 8 drops of peppermint essential oil 


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 

Ingredient Benefits:

Jojoba oil is high in vitamins C, B, E, copper, and zinc. Jojoba oil also helps stop and prevent dandruff by moisturizing the scalp and hair. Jojoba oil also helps prevent hair loss and helps to promote thick hair. 

Peppermint oil helps to increase blood circulation to help promote better blood circulation to give you super fast hair growth properties. This essential oil gives a cooling and healing effect on the hair and scalp especially. 

#7 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 tablespoons of avocado oil

2 tablespoons of honey


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 

Ingredient Benefits: Avocado oil helps to moisturize and soften hair because it is one of the few oils that actually penetrates the hair shaft instead of sitting on the outer layer of hair.

Honey helps to moisturize the hair by being a huge humectant for dry hair.


#6 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 tablespoons of argan oil

7 to 8 drops of lavender essential oil 


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 

Ingredient Benefits:

Argan oil gives hair healthy vitamins such as vitamin E to help promote faster and healthier hair growth.

Argan oil is also a non-greasy oil which is known to create a great treatment by absorbing into dry hair quickly.

Lavender essential oil helps to kill and prevent head lice, helps to prevent dandruff, gets rid of itchy scalp problems, helps stop hair loss, promotes hair growth and is a great moisturizer too.

#5 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 table spoons of sweet almond oil

2 tablespoon honey


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 

Ingredient Benefits: Sweet almond oil will help create silkier, shinier hair which is very helpful for dry hair. Rich in vitamins A, B1, B6 and E for faster, healthier hair growth.  

Honey helps moisturize and soften hair naturally. Honey is also  antibacterial and antiseptic which is great for fighting itchy scalp causes such as dandruffeczema, and psoriasis.


#4 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 table spoons of honey

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 

Ingredient Benefits: Apple cider vinegar helps fight hair loss, helps get rid of dandruff, reduces hair fall, promotes p.h. balance for the proper level of moisture on hair and scalp.  

Honey helps seal in moisture to help hydrate dry unhealthy hair. 

#3 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 tablespoons of castor oil

2 tablespoons of coconut oil


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 


Ingredient Benefits: Castor oil has vitamin E, minerals, many proteins, and omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids which helps to nourish dry hair. 

Coconut oil helps mend dry split ends and helps to create stronger healthier hair growth. 

#2 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


4 tablespoons of mayonnaise (the one made with olive oil)


Apply on damp hair, cover with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 


Ingredient Benefits: Mayonnaise has egg yolks, vinegar and oils to naturally help fight dry hair and add shine. So if you want a natural home remedy for dry hair that is super easy and really helpful this is it because it is a one step process! Whoo-hoo!  

#1 Dry Hair Remedies Recipe


2 tablespoons of vitamin e oil

2 tablespoons of plain yogurt 

2 Tablespoons of honey


Mix ingredients in a bowl, apply on damp hair, cover hair with plastic shower cap and leave on hair for 15 to 25 minutes then shampoo out following with a conditioner and style as usual. 


Ingredient Benefits: Vitamin E oil helps balance oil scalp production, promotes faster hair growth naturally and is a great moisturizer for dry hair. 

Plain yogurt helps fight frizz, prevents dandruff, adds shine to hair and helps to reduce hair fall naturally!

Honey has anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to help keep scalp and hair healthy along with helping to add shine and manageability to the hair naturally. 

Do one of these treatments once a week for best results.

You can also alternate recipes or stick to the one recipe that works best for your specific needs.

Also feel free to change the ingredients to suit your needs as desired! 

Hopefully these DIY's have helped you.

xo -

Margarite of GirlsHairTalk .com


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

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