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Friday July 26, 2024 ~ Happy Friday everybody! Remember to spend time around the people who love you the most. Spending time around people who belittle you, control you ect... can cause stress which leads to imbalanced hormones which leads to hair loss. So choose your inner circle of people wisely. 

❤ ~ Your friend Margarite, Cosmetologist & Hair Loss Specialist

P.S. Hair Loss coaching to give you the best strategy for hair growth based on your specific situation coming soon! 

Hair Loss Nutrition Tips To Get Regrowth Results Fast!

Woman eating fruit with an orange flower crown in her hair.Hair Loss Nutrition

Here are my female hair loss nutrition tips to help you get healthier hair growth. You will be surprised to learn that the proper vitamins and minerals can affect your hair growth tremendously.

You can take natural female hair loss vitamin supplements which work great but it is also a great idea to eat healthy for best results.

Female Hair Loss Nutrition Food Lists

Here is a list of processed and refined carbs to stay away from.

  • Pizza
  • Donuts
  • Cookies
  • Cake
  • Cupcakes
  • White Rice
  • White Flour
  • White Bread

When is comes to food it is best to stay away from processed and refined carbohydrates. Eating too may simple processed carbs such as sugary sweets, white bread, white flour and white rice can cause your body to produce more insulin than your body needs. Increased insulin levels can give you higher testosterone production which can contribute to much more female pattern hair loss.

Here is a list of good unrefined carbs to eat more of instead of the bad carbs above in order to help restore female hair loss.

  • Brown Rice
  • Whole Wheat Bread
  • Grains
  • Seeds 
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Oatmeal

Female Hair Loss Nutrition Amino Acids

Not taking in enough calories by under eating and not eating enough protein in food everyday can actually cause female hair loss, hair thinning and  a unhealthy hair appearance as well. 

Some foods that help you get a great amount of proper protein and amino acids are:

  • chicken
  • eggs
  • turkey
  • fish

Question: What are amino acids you might ask?

Answer: Amino acids are created from your body by the proteins we eat. Getting enough amino acids and protein is needed in order to produce healthy hair growth and in turn stop hair loss. 

Taking these foods daily should help you get a healthier head of hair as well and taking vitamin supplements. I take these vitamin hair growth supplements to stop, prevent female hair loss and get regrowth.

I also eat a bowl of oatmeal and two eggs most mornings.

I will also snack on raw unsalted almonds and plain yogurt with fruit as snacks between meals.

I know first hand that healthy foods are very important to eat and can make up to a large difference in your appearance for the better!

I have seen it all when it comes to clients and trust me when I say, you truly are what you eat, so eat well.

There is a family member that is a diabetic who also had hair loss. One day at a family function, I saw that their hair had regrowth.

So I asked them what changes did they do?

They said they started eating healthier due to their diabetic health issues (they previously were eating alot of sweet surgery treats like cookies all the time) and instead of eating sweets they started eating more fish in their diet.

So I see why that helped their hair growth even though that wasn't their original reason why they started eating healthier in the first place. 

Fish is a good source of omega 3 which in turn is great for healthy hair regrowth!

Detailed Full List Of Hair Loss Nutrition
To Eat For Healthy Hair Growth

  • Seeds & Nuts - 
  1. Flax seeds 
  2. walnuts

These are helpful for hair growth due to the large amount of omega fatty acids in them.

  • Seafood -
  1. Tuna 
  2. Salmon 

These types of fish are helpful for hair loss nutrition regrowth due to the omega fatty acids.

  1. Oysters - Helpful in the growing of hair due to the zinc, iron and protein in them.
  • Plant Based -
  1. Kale - Omega fatty acids help with hair growth which this has.
  2. Spinach - Good source of magnesium and iron is helpful in hair growth.
  3. Sweet Potatoes - High in beta-carotene which helps prevents hair thinning.
  4. Avocado - High in omega fatty acids which helps with hair growth.

  • Grain -
  1. Lentils - High in folic acid which helps your red blood cells carry oxygen and this is needed for proper hair growth.
  • Dairy -
  1. Greek Yogurt - High in protein which helps prevent hair loss and helps build stronger hair.
  2. Eggs - Nature's multi-vitamin it's the best beauty food out there! High in protein too for healthy hair building growth!! I highly recommend eggs for healthy hair growth. 
  • Meat -
  1. Chicken - Helps with high protein necessary for healthy hair growth. 
  • Oil -
  1. Fish oil supplements (wild caught) - The omega acids help in hair loss regrowth.
  2. Extra Virgin Olive oil is what I choose to eat with due to the monounsaturated fatty acids (good fat). Good fat is needed for healthy hormone levels, which can be a cause of female hair loss. Unbalanced hormones can be a cause for some women's hair loss issues.

My Hair loss Nutrition Recipes!

Smoothies For Hair Growth For Hair Loss Nutrition 

For a healthy smoothie treat to get healthy hair growth, I put together some fun, easy and healthy recipes for hair growth.

Since nutrition is so vital for proper hair growth you don't want to miss this article click here for more...

Vegan Hair Loss

Can vegan's get something called vegan hair loss? Find out the dirty hard truth here...

Keto Hair Loss

Can people on the keto diet get something called keto hair loss? 

Or if you are not even familiar with the keto diet, I spill all the keto diet info here that you don't want miss... 

Apple Pumpkin Seed Muffins For Healthier Hair Growth

Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which are great and very helpful for healthier hair growth! 

You can eat them on their own or try them in a healthy and fun dessert hair growth recipe by clicking here...

Healthy Fruit Dessert Recipe To Help With Hair Growth

Learn a super easy fresh fruit recipe for hair loss that is great for helping with hair growth click here to follow this easy delicious recipe...

Healthy Brownies For Faster Hair Growth

If you would like a healthy sweet brownie treat that is low in fat, good for you, and plus helps you to get healthy hair growth 

click here for the recipe!...

Nutrisystem Diet Hair Loss

Make sure that if you do diet to stay away from programs that may cause hair loss!

Click here for more info regarding Nutrisystem. Dose it cause hair loss?...

Eating Disorder Anorexia Hair Loss

Eating disorder's can also cause hair loss due to not getting the right amount of nutrition, even if the little bit of food you do eat is healthy. Starving yourself can cause hair loss.

Click here to read Victoria's Secret Model Bridget Malcolm's Story... 


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

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