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Saturday July 27, 2024 ~ Avocados are a great source of biotin, and adding this B-complex vitamin back into the diet may help hair to grow more healthily. Happy eating!

❤ ~ Your friend Margarite, Cosmetologist & Hair Loss Specialist

P.S. Hair Loss coaching to give you the best strategy for hair growth based on your specific situation coming soon! 

Hair Loss Regrow Minoxidil Treatment Tips For Fast Regrowth!

Is Hair Loss Regrow Minoxidil Treatment For Women FDA Approved? 

The hair loss regrow treatment minoxidil for women is known to stimulate hair growth. Minoxidil is the first FDA-approved medication to apply on the scalp for hair loss. 

Originally minoxidil was only available with a doctor's prescription, but now you can buy and purchase minoxidil over the counter or online at your convenience.

The hair treatment minoxidil is sold in a topical form where you place the treatment on top of the head exactly where it is needed in order to regrow hair safely and effectively. Minoxidil hair loss treatments to regrow hair are sold almost anywhere hair products are sold.

How Does Hair Loss Regrow Minoxidil Treatment Stimulate Hair Growth? 

Originally minoxidil was a blood pressure medication prescribed by doctors. Doctors noticed that the medication not only helped decrease blood pressure but that the medication also began growing their client's body hair as well. The doctors were prescribing the medication orally to their patients at that time, that is why the prescription produced body hair. Doctors and researchers then began a topical form of minoxidil to help with hair growth by applying it directly on the bald spot needed to grow hair. 

The exact reason how minoxidil works is not known. Educated guesses include an increase flow of blood to the hair follicles to help stimulate hair growth. 

Minoxidil also increases the thickness and length of fine hair too. 

Does Hair Loss Regrow Minoxidil Treatment For Women Work? 

Yes, minoxidil works for women. Minoxidil is used for women topically on the scalp to increase hair regrowth. Although if you stop using minoxidil for women the effects of the hair loss treatment will wear off within three months and the previous female pattern hair loss resumes to where it was before you started the treatment originally. 

If you decide to restart the minoxidil treatment you might not get regrowth to the hair that was lost after using the hair loss treatment, so it's best to use minoxidil on a regular basis instead of off and on. 

Statistics And Studies Of Hair Loss Regrow Minoxidil Treatment For Hair Loss Thinning:

A 1994 study was conducted for 256 women with androgenic alopecia who used 2% of minoxidil twice a day for a total of 32 weeks. Results concluded that 60% of the women reported new hair growth compared with 40% of the patients in the placebo group.

The researchers decided that the hair loss treatment minoxidil is a very effective hair loss treatment for most women but not all. Yet even though the 2% of minoxidil is helpful to most but not all of women to help improve hair regrowth, there is evidence showing that 5% of minoxidil may be a better choice to use!

In 2004 a study allowing 381 women with female hair loss was split into two groups, in order to compare the difference between 2% strength minoxidil with 5% strength minoxidil. In conclusion of that study both 2% minoxidil and 5% minoxidil helped regrow hair in the females, but the group using the 5% strength minoxidil did see better hair regrowth results than the women who used only 2% strength minoxidil. 

Does Hair Loss Regrow Minoxidil Treatment Have Side Effects?

Women who shouldn't use minoxidil are women who are pregnant. Also women who plan to become pregnant and women who are currently nursing shouldn't use the medication minoxidil either. 

Other side effects include light dizziness, feeling faint, irregular heart beat, chest pain, headaches and blurred vision.

Another side effect to watch out for is any type of facial hair from the minoxidil, this is caused by the product dripping down the face and forehead. So please avoid dripping the product anywhere not needed to grow hair.

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