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Menopause Hair Loss Causes, Treatments For Fast Hair Regrowth!

Can Menopause Cause Hair Loss ?

Menopause hair loss is a concern for women and rightfully so. There is definitely a connection between menopause and hair loss. Over 50% of women have experienced hair thinning after reaching the menopause stage. So this is quite normal and common for hair loss or hair thinning to happen to women at this time.  

What Causes Menopause Hair Loss?

Mainly menopause hair loss is caused by a fluctuation of hormones in your body which is the similar case in pregnancy hair loss. Both of these female hair loss causes, pregnancy and menopause have very similar results even though they are completely different stages of life. Both of these hair loss results are very similar because of uneven hormones causing female women's hair loss.  

Menopause hair loss is caused because of the drop of estrogen levels in women. 1 in 3 women experience thinning hair loss during menopause, due to a rise of the male hormone called testosterone.

So because of higher testosterone levels and lower estrogen levels at the same time is what ultimately causes menopausal female hair loss.

During menopause, hormone levels are shifted and the hair growth process is altered. 

The drop in estrogen levels in postmenopausal women may put the hair in a longer resting "catagen" phase during the hair growth cycle. The catagen phase is when the hair growth process actually stops growing and temporarily rests.

A Normal Hair Growth Cycle   

There are 3 stages of hair growth, the Anagen stage, the Catagen stage and the Telogen stage. Each stage does something different to help hair growth.

  • Stage 1: The Anagen stage - The anagen phase is when the hair follicles are actually growing. This stage lasts about 3 to 5 years long.

  • Stage 2: The Catagen stage - The hair growth process actually stops growing temporarily and rests at this point during the catagen phase of hair growth. This stage of phase lasts about 1 to 2 weeks. Menopausal women may experience a prolonged level of this phase in their hair, contributing to their female hair loss and perhaps hair thinning.    

  • Stage 3: The Telogen stage - This phase is the one nobody hardly enjoys it's called the telogen hair growth phase, it's this hair growth phase when the hair follicle sheds and falls out. The telogen hair growth phase lasts about 3 to 4 months. 

These stages will constantly repeat themselves. 

See the hair growth chart below.

How to Get My Hair Back From Menopause Hair Loss?

Proper nutrition is a great way to help get your hair to grow back healthier than ever. Below are some reasons how nutrition may be helpful in getting healthy hair growth simply by eating healthy foods. I also share on what foods to avoid as well for the best hair growth results possible.

Menopause Hair loss Nutritional Tips To get Your Hair Back

Please make sure that you are taking the proper nutritional supplements to get the proper vitamins and minerals that you may be low in.

By taking the proper vitamins, this will definitely help bring the proper nutrients to your body and you will start to see a good difference in your hair, skin and nails.

When is comes to food it is best to stay away from processed and refined carbohydrates. Eating too many simple processed carbs such as sugary sweets, white bread, white flour and white rice can cause your body to produce more insulin than your body needs. Increased insulin levels can give you higher testosterone production which can contribute to much more female pattern hair loss.

Here is an sample list of processed and refined carbs to stay away from in order to help restore female hair loss.

  • Pizza
  • Donuts
  • Cookies
  • Cake
  • Cupcakes
  • White Rice
  • White Flour
  • White Bread

Sample list of good unrefined carbs to eat more of instead of the bad carbs above.

  • Brown Rice
  • Whole Wheat Bread
  • Grains
  • Seeds 
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Oatmeal

Female Menopause Hair Loss Worry and Stress Symptoms 

Having stress and anxiety can also be a reason for female hair loss as well.

So if you are experiencing worry and stress please try to stay as calm as possible because worrying about things can just make your hair loss worse and not help the situation.  

Some basic ways that you can release stress:

  1. light exercise regimen 
  2. drinking warm caffeine-free herbal tea
  3. getting a scalp massage which can also help promote healthy hair growth at the same time, please give this idea a definite try. It can be very helpful in getting your hair back to normal too. 


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 


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