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Friday July 26, 2024 ~ Happy Friday everybody! Remember to spend time around the people who love you the most. Spending time around people who belittle you, control you ect... can cause stress which leads to imbalanced hormones which leads to hair loss. So choose your inner circle of people wisely. 

❤ ~ Your friend Margarite, Cosmetologist & Hair Loss Specialist

P.S. Hair Loss coaching to give you the best strategy for hair growth based on your specific situation coming soon! 

Does Rogaine Work For Various Types Of Hair Loss To Get Results?

What Is Rogaine And How Does Rogaine Work?

How does rogaine work?

Answer: Rogaine is basically minoxidil, which is one of the most popular hair loss treatments in the world for men and women. They have rogaine for men and rogaine for women.

The main ingredient is called minoxidil which is an FDA approved treatment that is available over the counter and sold inside drugstores nation wide as well as sold online world wide. 

Rogaine is available in liquid form as well as a foam application form.

Rogaine only works for certain types of hair loss and that is only if you never miss a beat in applying the application onto the scalp where it is  needed most. Sadly rogaine does not work for everyone. 

Results show up in 4 to 6 months of consistent application as directed. 

For those of who rogaine does work for, you might not grow back the entire head of hair that was lost even if used regularly. This is based on clinical studies. 

Why or how rogaine works to grow hair in the first place is very unclear it could be due to blood circulation improved on the scalp to the hair follicles that will help to produce hair regrowth.

Another reason could very well be due to rogaine stimulating the scalp to keep the hair growth phase for a longer period of time than usual and that rogaine is very capable of enlarging the hair follicles to create more scalp coverage helping in the appearance of hair growth.

Who Does Roganie Work For?

The best types of hair loss that rogaine does work best on are usually people who have hereditary family genetic caused hair loss. This would be areas for men that are at the back of the head just under the crown.

As for women dealing with female pattern baldness areas such as hair loss thinning on the top of their heads, temple area on sides of head and sparse all over the head are usually caused by hormone imbalance.

Does Rogaine Work For A Receding Hair Line?

Rogaine is not intended to work on receding hair lines at the front of your scalp. This is an area that rogaine is not expected to work on. 

Although rogaine products are the most effective for candidates under 40 years of age who start using their products at the first signs of hair loss. 

Does Rogaine Work On Thinning Hair Loss?

You can quite possible regrow hair in areas on the scalp such as at the back of the crown head under the crown for men and at the top of the crown of head for women that are thinning.

Rogaine is NOT for people who:

  • Are completely bald headed
  • Have an itchy red irritated scalp
  • If scalp is infected
  • If hair loss is due to chemicals such as from perms, hair products or hair color bleach 
  • Traction alopecia
  • Other types of alopecia hair loss
  • Nutritional hair loss causes
  • Thyroid disease
  • Medication caused hair loss

But you can use rogaine if it is for family hereditary hair loss reasons. 

Does Rogaine Work On Facial Hair Such As Eyebrows or Beards?

I would say yes, it should cause hair growth for your beard and eye brows because one of the side effects is that rogaine may cause hair to grow on the forehead and ears if it drips down. Yet this is strictly up to you to try, if you should choose.

I only recommend that rogaine should be used only as directed even though rogaine can cause you to have a fuller thicker beard and eyebrows.

One of the reasons I recommend to use rogaine only as directed is due to the fact that if it gets into your eyes it may cause some serious problems such as blurred vision. 

Rogaine Side Effects Include:

Using Rogaine may cause some serious side effects. You may have to stop and discontinue use for reasons that have been reported such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Fast heart beats
  • Swelling in your hands & feet
  • Weight gain
  • Scalp irritation 
  • Faint feeling or dizziness 
  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Scalp redness 

In Conclusion

So, no, unfortunately rogaine does not work for everybody.

About 60% of people in the clinical studies saw positive regrowth results.

Natural hair loss treatments work best!


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

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