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Friday July 26, 2024 ~ Happy Friday everybody! Remember to spend time around the people who love you the most. Spending time around people who belittle you, control you ect... can cause stress which leads to imbalanced hormones which leads to hair loss. So choose your inner circle of people wisely. 

❤ ~ Your friend Margarite, Cosmetologist & Hair Loss Specialist

P.S. Hair Loss coaching to give you the best strategy for hair growth based on your specific situation coming soon! 

Does Smoking Cause
Hair Loss In Women?

Does smoking cause hair loss? 

Well, for women who smoke cigarettes and have noticed thinning hair loss then maybe there is a chance your cause of hair loss is due to smoking?

Even though there is not a significant large amount of studies related to women's hair loss.

Doctors have stated claims that smoking can cause hair thinning which can lead to women's hair loss due to a number of different ways that we will talk about today.

Studies: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Although there isn't much studied evidence conducted between smoking and hair loss, I did find at least 1 study.

The study did link smoking cigarettes and premature gray hair together.

In august of 2010 there was a 2 day study that put 207 people into two sets of groups. 

One group was called the "premature gray group" the 2nd group was called the "normal hair graying group".

There were many people in the study who had premature gray hair before the age of 30 years old, due to smoking cigarettes. 

The second group who did not smoke at all had gray hair later in life.

Poor Blood Circulation: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Even though there are not many studies linked between smoking and hair loss there are still many reasons that smoking can indeed cause hair loss.

One of the main causes of hair loss is due to not enough blood circulation to the scalp.

Proper blood circulation allows nutrients, vitamins, oxygen and minerals to join your hair follicles to encourage good hair growth.

Yet, poor blood circulation can actually cause the opposite reaction and create hair loss.

Cigarette smoking causes less blood circulation throughout the body which can cause many health problems as listed on any pack of cigarettes itself, this also includes smoking tobacco from a pipe. 

This happens due to the fact that the cigarette smoke will make your blood vessels shrink which in turn will block the proper amount of blood circulation to your scalp and hair follicles which will cause hair loss sooner or later.

Weakens Hair DNA: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Smoking can also cause damage to your hair follicle's DNA, cause an enzyme imbalance in the hair's structure, as well as can cause fibrosis. Fibrosis is when the skin is scarred which causes hair loss. Smoking can also cause inflammation of the hair follicles.

How To Change? Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

So it looks as though smoking can lead to nothing but health problems and hair loss thinning.

Smoking can make you look older than you actually are which no woman wants to hear.

The moment you stop smoking your lungs will start to clear up and your body will start to heal itself!

What Happens After You Quit Smoking?: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

You will be surprised at how positively your body will react as soon as you stop smoking! Take a look:

  • After 20 minutes - Blood pressure, heart rate come back to normal levels as well as circulation will already start to improve! This is great for hair growth! 
  • After 8 hours - Levels of nicotine reduce more than 50% and oxygen levels return to normal.

  • After 12 hours - Carbon monoxide levels will return to normal in your body which also means that your heart will not have to work as hard to pump oxygen throughout your body. This means oxygen & nutrients can start to go to your scalp and hair follicles which will create proper hair growth!

  • After 2 days - Your coughing may increase but only because your lungs are starting to clear out mucus and other debris. Your body will start to have withdrawal symptoms but don't start smoking because at this point you are almost nicotine-free! 

  • After 3 days - At the end of 3 days your body should be 100% nicotine free! Congratulations but Keep going!!

Nutrition: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Eating healthy foods and taking vitamins supplements will help to jump-start your hair growth journey into high gear!

Eating healthy fruits and vegetables with help replenish your skin, hair and nails and give your body the nutrients needed to help grow out your hair. 

Drinking smoothies is another way to get the proper nutrients into your body daily in a fun and easy way especially for people on the go!

Ideas How To Stop Smoking: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

  • I asked a family member how they stopped smoking and they said they stopped buying cigarettes, therefore they stopped smoking! Try it!

  • Another way is to smoke less and less each time to wean yourself off of it slowly instead of "cold turkey" as they say.

Everybody is different, so do what makes you feel the most comfortable.

Consult Doctor: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Always consult with a doctor to better understand why you are dealing with hair loss in the first place and make sure there isn't another underlying condition.

Hair loss can be caused by a number of different reasons in women including but not limited to:

to name a few.

Don't Give Up: Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Although there are no major studies, hair loss and smoking can be linked to one another. 

There are enough studies regarding health and smoking to understand how hair loss can be caused from smoking.

Don't give up your smoking journey, just ask yourself, is it worth it?

I believe it is! You are worth it! Remember to treat yourself after you reached a certain amount of days of NOT smoking or even for every day you don't smoke to keep you motivated! 

Take it one day or even one hour at a time and if you mess up try again tomorrow and if you mess up again try again the following day.

Don't be too hard on yourself, you will feel better just knowing that you are trying!

Good luck and leave a comment below to help motivate others.

- Margarite :)


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

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