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Alopecia Hair Loss Causes, Treatments For Fast Hair Regrowth

Alopecia hair loss may be a side effect from medications that you may be taking. Alopecia may run in your family history and be hereditary. Alopecia may even be from tight hairstyles pulling your hair often. I will briefly go over the different types of alopecia hair loss for you.   

Here is a list of the different types of Alopecia areata:

Alopecia is the technical term for abnormal hair loss. When the hair falls out naturally is not the same as alopecia hair loss. Normally in the hair growth cycle hair will replace the hair that has naturally shed when falling out. The hair tends to shed most often during the spring and autumn months of the year. Alopecia hair loss is not replaced with new hair unless special scalp treatments are given to the person to encourage new hair growth in the scalp.

  • Alopecia Areata Totalis: That's when all of the hair on the scalp is bald.  
  • Alopecia Areata Universalis: That is when all of the scalp is bald along with having no hair on the rest of the entire body.
  • Alopecia sensilis: is the type of baldness that happens to persons in old age.
  • Alopecia permatura: This type of baldness happens to persons during middle age and proceeds slowly thinning throughout the years. This happens when the hair is replaced with weaker hair follicles. 

The two lesser severe types of Alopecia Areata for women is called:

  • Alopecia Areata Monolocularis: That is when hair loss occurs only on one spot on the scalp.
  • Traction Alopecia: Is when the hair is pulled out with force by a tight hairstyle or from self. 

Alopecia Hair Loss Areata Cure Treatments, Questions and Answers

What Are The Statistics Of Alopecia Hair Loss Areata?

Alopecia areata effects 2 percent of the people in the world. That includes both male and females. 

The United States of America has an estimated 4.6 million people who are going through alopecia areata right now, so please know that you are not alone in this auto immune disease.  1 in every 125,000 men and 1 in every 250,000 women are suffering from this disease.

What Are The Alopecia Hair loss Areata Symptoms? 

Alopecia Hair Loss is an auto immune disease where your body is attacking your hair follicle cells, due to the fact that your immune system thinks your hair follicles are dangerous for your body so it is actually trying to protect you. In Latin, alopecia areata means "Baldness in patches". So Bald patches on your head is a clear symptom or sign that you may have alopecia areata, although be sure to get a proper diagnoses from your family physician to be sure because there could be other reason for your bald patches such as Hair Loss After PregnancyPsoriasis Hair Loss, other female hair loss causes may include stress as well.

Another possible symptom includes changes in your finger nails called nail pitting.

I hope that these natural alopecia areata cure treatments below help you in your battle with this auto immune disease.  These are helpful tips and tricks to help you get your hair back in hopes to help regain natural hair regrowth as soon as humanly possible. Please let me know your progress in the treatments below, as I hope others can be encouraged by your results! So please leave us a comment below if any or all of these natural alopecia areata cures worked for you. I would love to see pictures if you feel it will help others thank you always.

Natural Alopecia Areata Cure Treatments

1. Probiotics:
Probiotics help to strengthen your digestive tract which in turn helps to strengthen your  immune system. probiotics also help release inflammation, helping you to get healthier younger hair growth, skin and nails too! 

2. Lavender Essential Oil:Studies have shown when lavender essential oil is applied directly on bald patches on mice their hair follicles started to grow thicker and stronger. Other studies have shown that hair has grown on people's alopecia areata bald patches after lavender essential oil has been applied. So this trick is defiantly worth a try. I have a lavender essential oil hair loss recipe video here to show you how I suggest to mix it and apply it on your head for best results. 

3. Zinc:
Zinc is known to help heal and repair gut issues which in turn helps significantly improve your immune system and because alopecia areata is a autoimmune issue this will help fight hair loss. 

4. Low Light Therapy:
Low level laser therapy is used to heal and repair damaged tissue instead of destroying it. Therefore low level laser light therapy is ideal to help heal, restore and help hair loss patients get stronger and thicker hair growth without any side effects.Some may say that you cannot grow hair in a bald area of the scalp by using red light laser therapy but others disagree and claim the opposite that you very much can get hair growth.

What Is Traction Alopecia Hair loss?

Traction alopecia happens when the hair is being pulled or strained by constant tension causing hair loss on the scalp.

This means that you can literally stop this from happening, which is great news!

Prevention is key here so I am here to help with more questions and answers for you to learn more to get your hair back to it's proper hair growth state once and for all.

What Causes Traction Alopecia?

Traction alopecia is caused by ongoing constant strain of either pulling and or constant friction. Causes are such as the following:

  1. Too tight pony tails
  2. Tight pig tails
  3. Tight head gear, such as from hats, hijabs, helmets and headbands 
  4. Hair extensions
  5. False eyelashes can cause traction alopecia on your lashes too (just FYI)
  6. Tight Braiding such as from cornrows
  7. Constant rubbing such as even from hip hop break dancing on your head {as that is constant rubbing from constant dance practice}
  8. Too tight wigs, it's best to try and get a fitted wig or customized wig 
  9. Too tightly twisted dreadlocks
  10. Hair weaves attached with glue, tape, other adhesives or clips
  11. Hair accessories such as barrettes or hair clips worn tightly against the scalp daily
  12. Hair pieces
  13. Habit of pulling the hair out yourself with force doing this is a different cause called trichotillomania but still causes alopecia

Finding what is causing your constant hair pulling, tension, or constant friction will help identify what is causing your hair to become weak and why it is being worn out in those specific areas on the scalp. Rest assured you can help your hair be at it's best state when finding the cause of your hair loss and if any of the reasons above resonate with your cause of hair loss then you may be suffering from traction alopecia.   

Just like contentious plucking of hair such as your eye brows where plucking in the same place can cause hair to eventually stop growing, the same can happen to your scalp. With Continuous friction or pulling on the hair of the scalp the roots can become weaker and cause no hair growth to return at all in those specific areas. So it is so important to figure out what is causing your hair to be tugged on continuously before the hair follicles are damaged and stop to grow.

Who Can Get Traction Alopecia Hair Loss?

Anyone may get alopecia because it depends on if you tug and pull on your hair tightly on a daily basis. The African American community are very likely candidates for alopecia, due to the hair techniques usually and regularly performed on their hair. The braiding, weaves, even using continuous heat from a hot comb or flat iron may cause breakage and alopecia at the roots if the hot comb is applied on the roots of the hair often. 

Although every race is getting hair extensions for various reasons and are very well candidates for alopecia as well. 

Tight pony tails on children are likely to deal with alopecia as well because of the constant tugging of a tight hair style especially if worn daily. 

Pulling your hair via a hairstyle or hair accessory or hair weave extensions attached to your hair is ultimately what may be causing bald spots on your scalp. Also constant friction from a helmet or break dancing on your head can also cause baldness from alopecia too. Ballerina dancers can also get traction alopecia too due to their ballet bun hairstyles being constantly worn tightly every time they might practice and or perform. 

What Are Some Of The Symptoms Of Alopecia Hair Loss? 

  1. Tension headaches from a tight hair style
  2. Soreness of the hair after taking out a hairstyle
  3. Sensitive scalp or having a tender head after removing hair style or head gear
  4. Hair is sparse at the roots or scalp of your hair style
  5. Baldness is occurring at scalp in specific areas 
  6. A tight hairstyle is being worn daily

Any of these could be signs that you may have traction alopecia. 

Can Using Hair Extensions To Hide My Alopecia Hair Loss Make It  Worse?

Absolutely, yes hair extensions can actually create more hair loss. Even though your alopecia will be disguised and hidden hair weaves and hair extensions can actually make your alopecia worse and more severe than before you tried to conceal the hair loss. 

Even the simple tape on hair extensions can cause hair to be pulled from the head constantly when taking them out. Any kind of hair weave due to the braiding, bonding, fusion, and other adhesives applied to the hair and scalp can just make things worse. 

Can Traction Alopecia Hair loss Be Fixed?

Maybe, this depends on if any scaring on the scalp has happened.

When constant pulling of the hair has caused hair loss and the skin on the scalp has scared over the follicle pore then the hair loss is not likely to come back.

But if you stop this issue in time and stop the tension hair loss by preventing whatever is causing the constant pulling of the hair then the alopecia hair loss will be reversed and hair growth will be restored. 

How soon you ask? Immediately, the hair will start to grow out, it will take a while but like a plant the process will start slowly but surely. In about 6 months to a year or even sooner you should start to see renewed hair growth.

But make sure you do not go back to your old hair pulling ways or you could lose your hair loss in spots for good, so please be gentle with your hair. I offer some of my professional home hair care tips here

If you are not sure if you have permanent hair loss scaring of the scalp or not please consult with your local dermatologist for a consultation.   

What Is The Definition Of Alopecia Totalis?

The definition of alopecia totalis is where the entire scalp is bald with complete hair loss not to be confused with alopecia universalis where in that case the entire body has hair loss.  

Totalis alopecia is also different from alopecia areata and traction alopecia where in that specific case of hair loss there are patches of hairloss, instead of complete baldness in the skin condition of alopecia totalis. Where as Cicatricial Alopecia is a scarred alopecia. 

Totalis alopecia could occur fast and suddenly or it might happen slowly over some time, such as starting with alopecia areata (in hair loss patches) but not all the time.

What Are The Causes Of Alopecia Totalis?

Doctors are baffled at why this still happens today, but the main reason is because your body's immune system recognizes your scalp's hair as a disease and it is trying to protect yourself by getting rid of your hair. This is referred to as an autoimmune disease.

I know that sounds strange but it happens, please read the statistics below to know you are not alone. 

Sometimes a person's immune system attacks the healthy tissue in your body such as in this case hair. When your body's immune system attacks your hair this in turn causes inflammation to react which is ultimately causing your hair loss.    

Other reasons for getting alopecia may be that it simply runs in the family this is a very viable reason as well.

Another reason may be due to stress. It is known that stress or anger causes your immune system to weaken and therefore this can actually cause your body's immune system to function properly at it's highest level of health.

Doctors (and I as a hairstylist) have seen cases where alopecia and hair thinning have occurred when people have been going through very stressful situations, believe it or not this just might be the case for you. 

What Are The Statistics Of Alopecia Totalis?

Majority of people who have this autoimmune disease are usually young adults and children under the age of 40, although it is very possible that totalis alopecia can affect all ages as well. 

Statistics show about 2% of people have totalis alopecia , that equals about 1 in every 125,000 men and 1 in every 250,000 women who are suffering from this disease.

What Are The Symptoms Of Alopecia Totalis?

Symptoms of totalis alopecia is complete hair loss of the head. Although it is possible that alopecia areata can be the first step towards totalis alopecia that is not always true to be the case. 

This disease can start off as alopecia areata where in that case there are patches of hair loss, in some cases but not in others. Sometimes totalis alopecia can happen all of a sudden. 

Other symptoms include having brittle ridged finger nails.

Are There Any Natural Treatments For Alopecia Totalis?

Are There Any Natural Treatments To Grow My Hair Back ? 

iRestore is a natural hair loss device that has a 100% success rate in growing your hair back. This product has outstanding reviews and is a must-have for anyone who wants to see real results for totalis alopecia, to grow more hair and get thicker hair safely at home. 

Is Using Irestore Safe?

 iRestore provides a safe, drug-free way to get hair regrowth without negative side effects.  Using simple and pain-free red light therapy is a great way to repair hair loss effectively that really works. See results in as little as 3 - 6 months or your money back. I absolutely love this company they are a great company that I can trust and recommend.

How Does Irestore Work To Reverse Hair Loss In Alopecia ?

This biochemical process extends the growth phase of the hair growth cycle and reactivates dormant hairs to fight female pattern hair loss, balding, and thinning hair or your money back. Get your hair back with their guaranteed 6 month or your money back policy is nothing to lose except gain hair!  

Is Cicatricial Alopecia Hair Loss Common?

In a word yes, cicatricial alopecia is one of the most common types of alopecias to have others that are common are androgenetic alopecia, Alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium. So as far as alopecia goes, yes cicatricial alopecia is a common alopecia to have. 

How many Different Types Of Ciciatricial Alopecias Are There? 

There are mainly two different types of ciciatricial alopecia. The first is called ciciatricial alopecia the second is called nonciciatricial alopecia.

What Are The Main Differences Between The Two Ciciatricial Alopecia's ?

The main differences between the two ciciatricial alopecias is the fact that in ciciatricial alopecia the hair follicles are scarred. 

In nonciciatricial alopecia the opposite is true where the follicle epithelial apparatus is still intact and so therefore it is possible to reverse the hair loss on this type of alopecia.  

What Are The Causes Of Follicle Damage Scarring In Ciciatricial Alopecia Hair Loss?

In ciciatricial alopecia the follicle is destroyed by a possible number of reasons such as radiation or burns, inflammation , necrobiosis lipoidica , cutaneous tuberculosis , cutaneous malignancies , sclerosing dermatoses, and cutaneous sarcoidosis.  

What Are The Ciciatricial Alopecia Hair Loss Symptoms?

In ciciatricial alopecia you might notice a loss of orifices, Black, yellow or red dots might appear on the scalp and hair tufting. Usually yellow or black dots will appear on the scalps skin for nonciciatricial alopecia and red dots appear on the scalp for ciciatricial alopecia.

What Are The Causes Of Ciciatricial Alopecia Hair Loss?

The main causes for ciciatricial alopecia is due to a failure of the follicle epithelium , due to a number of possible reasons such as an infection , inflammation , hormonal reasons , medications , senescence, or runs in your family history due to genetics.

Step By Step Treatment Cures for Alopecia Hair Loss

1.) Drape client using a towel or stylist cape.

2.) Gently Brush the clients hair using a soft bristle brush for about 5 minutes.

3.) Apply a medicated scalp ointment.

4.) Apply a red light for hair loss onto the scalp for about 5 to 10 minutes.

5.) Gently Scalp Massage for about 5 minutes. 

6.) Gently massage including neck, shoulders, upper back to reduce stress.

7.) Use a mild shampoo and conditioner.

8.) Towel dry the hair gently (do not rub hard with towel). 

9.) Style hair without using heat let air dry naturally is best.

10.) Clean up work station.

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